so glad to see Bret Easton Ellis alive and well

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I’m so late getting into him it’s insane

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I love the way you've captured the meditative quality of running--that moment when you can't tell where your skin ends and the air begins. I struggle in the summer because I like the way cold air burns my lungs--and the feeling of my thighs going bright pink and tickle/ itching in the shower. So much sacred and profane in this piece, just an all around glorious human ode.

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Winter running has become dear to me so maybe I just really love extremes? Are we perhaps just two psychopaths who love to feel very alive??? I do think so ❤️❤️❤️

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Hi! Did we take attendance for the “works out mon-fri but will never give up pizza and beer” club?


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*raises hand so fcking hard* PRESENTTTT

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I do this with Pizza and coke.

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I am a Coke girly so I am HERE FOR THIS

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Jul 17Liked by Dia Becker

Crying & laughing. I also wish it was your birthday everyday.

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Can’t wait to get my ass to Asbury

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I guess I have the best body type, although mine would be more like, "works out but not enough to counteract the pastries."

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Ok I’m so with you on that actually LMAO

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I wanted to love those birthday cake cookies more (bc I love birthday cake flavored things!) but I’ve been getting intimate with the TJ’s smores clusters and they’re insane

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Dude s’mores clusters GOODBYE IM ON MY WAY

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They’re crazyyyy

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I envy you. I can count on one hand the times an endorphin boost has showed up for me. I read somewhere that those of us with hinky thyroids are less likely to get them. C'est la vie! At this point in my life, I don't think any of my joints would drink to me taking up running again, so it's the gym or bust. Andrew? -- that one's special. I know you know this. Gah!

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Honestly probably a blessing in disguise because I do believe the gym is better on the body 🙌🏼 and you’re so right… he is the most special ❤️

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Running does take its toll. I know this even though I was never "any good" at it. Happy you and Andrew found each other!!

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PLEASE write that book. WE NEED IT. If the idea of a whole book feels overwhelming, try a short story on then see how you feel. I know you’d put your whole writussy in it. ❤️‍🔥

I’m with Isabel. I only love running when it’s about 58 degrees outside. As always, I admire your running prowess. I do love the hurts so good aspect when it comes to sprints.

Playful, curious, and an open heart is the exact formula for wonderful. You got this. Celestial tea’s social media is hilarious and amazing. They are always bringing some unexpected fun.

Mousse is SUCH A BABE. SO ARE YOU 😍 Your mane is so dreamy and romantic!!!



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😂🥰 I love YOU!

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Yes!! write the less than zero PA novel we need it! Could Lana be in it…..

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ARTY YA READ MY MIND!!! But maybe it is YOU who should write it, Ms. NOVELISTTT 🥳

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Jul 17Liked by Dia Becker

Ok ok, I have notes. First off, loved all of this. Secondly, subscribed. Thirdly, the rest of my notes; I want those trader joe's cookies and I am headed to New Jersey at the end of the month so I've added these to my list of goodies to pick up. I used to run, and I love the runner's high, so when you said you love love love, fuckin love it, I could FEEL exactly what you were getting across. I don't love the woods, because I always get eaten by mosquitos, and I pulled a muscle in a spin class years ago that now sends me shooting pains whenever I run too hard (it's a mystery that I'm still trying to get to the bottom of tbh), but I digress. Happy belated birthday :) The day sounds like it was perfect. I too liked that post by Celestial Tea SO much, I sent it to all my girlfriends. You had me at the BBL Drake comment, you are so gorge, looking forward to more. K ttyl

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10/10 comment. WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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happy belated bday!! also i love less than zero so much and would 1000% read a version set in rural pa!

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Thank you soo much 😍 man I hope i can bring myself to make that book a reality

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I love your thoughts about running and the universe reminding you about not being basic lol.

Are you moving away from Philly? Like to another city? Feel free to say "it's none of your beeswax, Noha!"

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I am🫣🫣🫣 more to come hehe

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Jul 17Liked by Dia Becker

this post is delicious in a way i can’t explain. loved every bit of it. i set a reminder to get those TJ’s cookies when i’m back in the states

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Thank you my love!! You must let me know when you try the cookies… they are rich in a way that may shock your system HAHA ❤️❤️

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I too have been thinking of writing a Lana Del Rey book, but I had the idea ages ago and now feel it’s too late, should have come out around Coachella when she peaked. Hopefully someone else acted on the impulse cause I’m ready to read it.

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WRITE IT. You will sell MANY copies, I promise.

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Also I just ordered the old navy skirt. Been looking for the perfect skirt. Thank you!

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I fall into romanticizing running because of the suffering - it’s a runner thing - Metal. Definitely an activity that I have a love/hate relationship with. Shout out to “Running Bitch” giving supportive slaps.

P.S. I think you’ll dig Alexi Pappas, maybe

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Hell yeah I love this. And I love Alexi Pappas… she’s so sick 😍

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