Feb 21Liked by Dia Becker

This was beautiful!! Eczema has come for me at age 32 as well… on my eyelid 🥲 will think of it as Dior blush now 💕

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Feb 21Liked by Dia Becker

This was beautiful, Dia. Hope Sandoval and Mazzy Star por vida! I suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. Most people grow out of it by the time they are 30 but if you don’t, you’re stuck with it for life 😑 Thanks, mom.

I hope you hold onto these parts of you forever. The curiosity, the self reflection, the ability to spin the questions into art that dazzles. It’s been a joy to experience life through your pen. 💗

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21Liked by Dia Becker

Dior pink…blush! YES also…the itch itself—raw red ragged slicing sometimes out of nowhere I have this as well on my pointer finger and it flares when I am angry. I think a lot about the symbolism of an auto immune issue: the body at war reflecting my inner conflicts. Welcome, welcome and I hope you won’t mind that your description of your mama made me laugh. I remember my father scratching his legs and howling in pain/pleasure at the kitchen table. Families and bodies are so weird.

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